“For this child we have prayed …”

Overnight Postpartum Support

Overnight Doulas are skilled professionals who reduce fear and instill strength for birthing families by providing continuous support. Doulas help people during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period by offering evidence-based information, providing physical comfort measures, and by being emotionally present and available.


* Vaginal birth, surgical birth recovery * Normal recovery and beyond normal recovery * When to encourage a call to a medical professional * The 6 Week Postpartum check up and how to help mom prepare for it.


* Benefits for parents and your baby * Challenges – Troubleshooting issues * When to refer to an IBCLC * Positions for breastfeeding * Supporting the breastfeeding family * Pumping & storage of breastmilk * Alternative means of milk transfer * Paced feeding * Bottle feeding * Formula preparation & feeding *

Introducing philosophies

* Attachment parenting * Scheduled parenting * Philosophy combination * Creating an environment based on philosophy * Support based on philosophy


* Baby Blues * Depression * Psychosis * Obsessive Compulsive Disorder * Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder * Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale * When and how to refer to a medical professional

Photographer : Megan Massey @Rymephoto

“ and the lord has granted the desires of my heart”

1 Samuel 1:27-28

GEne & Faye “Where rest meets care”